Housing Isn't an Asset Class

Episode 761: Housing Isn't an Asset Class

Beyond the economic reality of housing, from the silly (it is an “investment”) to the practical (it costs money to live somewhere), there is a deeply personal reality to housing, including for yours truly.

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Today's Post - https://bahnsen.co/3TrUXux

I did a Dividend Cafe exactly six months ago about housing, focusing then on the duel economic and cultural reality of what was going on in the housing market. I think another six months gone by is a pretty good amount of time to now re-address this vital subject in American life. Housing is, for some, a crucial part of their economic story. Even for those smart enough not to think of their house as a “retirement asset” it is still a crucial economic consideration. Almost everyone I have ever met needs a place to live, and the ones I met who did not had very odd theories on the JFK assassination. Very few people own an asset with as much leverage attached to it as their home (assuming one puts 20% down they are 4-to-1 levered on the purchase; imagine buying $1 million of stock and only paying $200,000 for it). Housing costs (monthly) from rent or mortgage to property taxes and maintenance and insurance are the highest percentage of the monthly outflow of nearly every single family in America (even many who do not have a mortgage).

Beyond the economic reality of housing, from the silly (it is an “investment”) to the practical (it cost money to live somewhere), there is a deeply personal reality to housing, including for yours truly. People make memories in houses, they associate periods of their life with where they live, and they form families and social connectivity around houses. And even with all the suburban model has done in a postmodern culture to undermine community, many people’s “houses” are also part of their “neighborhoods” – a Tocquevillian concept we’d be wise to re-affirm. This subject matters.

So today in the Dividend Cafe I want to “check in” on the subject.

Links mentioned in this episode: TheDCToday.com DividendCafe.com TheBahnsenGroup.com


David Bahnsen

David Bahnsen

David is the Founder, Managing Partner, and the Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group.

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