To Engage or not Engage

Episode 627: To Engage or not Engage

Today I want to talk about the concept of shareholder engagement, what it means, what it ought to mean, and what The Bahnsen Group is doing in this regard.

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We live in interesting times. Is that fair to say? Does anyone disagree with that? I didn’t think so. Now, I didn’t say, “We live in unprecedented times.” I think there are a lot of reasons to barely ever say that (Ecclesiastes 1:9 is a good place to start). I certainly understand that some things seem unprecedented, and many times the particular manifestation of something may be unprecedented. But honestly, most of the time, people say something is “unprecedented,” they are just a person who does not value the study of history very much.

I value history a lot. I believe in almost all disciplines, a better understanding of history is needed for a better understanding of the present and to be prepared for the future. Current social unrest is not unprecedented. Neither is political tribalization. Neither are class divisions or any of the many other things adding to societal angst. It is somewhat arrogant to believe we are the first people in the first time in history to experience a certain thing.

So I prefer the word “interesting” to “unprecedented.” And one of the things most “interesting” right now is the state of corporate America. For some, corporate America is not doing enough to save the environment or participate in various social or political causes. For others, they have stepped knee-deep into a political and cultural agenda that is detrimental to their well-being as a company.

Today I want to talk about the concept of shareholder engagement, what it means, what it ought to mean, and what The Bahnsen Group is doing in this regard. You may find it not political or audacious enough. You may find it too opinionated. You may find it outside the core of investment advice. You may find it the heart of investment advice.

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David Bahnsen

David Bahnsen

David is the Founder, Managing Partner, and the Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group.

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